Our spiritual Daily bread

Ezekiel 37:1-14, Matthew 4:1-11

‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ Are you getting your spiritual daily bread by reading your bible?

Hope in the Wilderness

Isaiah 8:17 & Deuteronomy 8:6-16.

We have hope in the past, the present, the future. A living hope in Jesus. We can know that Jesus died for us and we are free; He is with us now; He desires to make all things new.

Sorrow and Hope

Isaiah 53:1-5, Luke 19:37-45, Lamentations 1:3-4, Lamentations 3:22-24, John 16:20-22 & Psalm 13
If we care deeply, we can feel sorrow, but sorrow shouldn’t lead to hopelessness. Jesus’ resurrection should give us hope for the future.

Liberated by Silence and Solitude

Psalm 131:1-3 & Luke 5:15-16
Find a place, time, quiet on inside – slow breathing, outside with nature, contenting words.
God is in control of this time.
Come humbly, not proud,
Discipline, I have calmed myself ,
Hope, put it in God.

This is not loneliness.

What a friend we have in Jesus

Luke 7:18-35

A friend to others is being a friend of Jesus.
Do I know that Jesus is my friend?
Who are my ‘thems’?
How am I helping others find Jesus as a friend?

An encounter with Jesus

Luke 5:1-11

Jesus says he has specific things for just us to do. How has God called you to do that? What holds me back? Jesus says don’t be fearful. He is our Lord rather than master.