International Nepal Fellowship – Raju Adhikari

Isaiah 51:1-3

This passage encouraged the Nepalese after the earth quake that struck on 25th April last year.

Walking Away From Salvation

Luke 24:13-35

The two people walking to Emmaus must have been bewildered from all that had gone on during that week. Then a third person came alongside them and things changed.


How do you explain Jesus’ death and resurrection?

Some things are very hard to explain. Jesus’ death and resurrection are the ultimate example of love and if we seek to believe, we can receive forgiveness.

Palm Sunday

Matthew 21:1-11

In this passage Jesus is seen as a prophet, a miracle worker, a King, a Messiah, the Son of God and a Saviour. All of this are good reasons to celebrate.

Called to be Holy

1 John 2:28-29 3:1-3

Satan wants to trip us up, but if we are children of God, we are not on our own. We have the Holy Spirit to help us be the best we can be.

The End Times

1 John 2:18-27

We are living in the End Times. Are we ready for Christ’s return? Until then we can have the Holy Spirit poured out on us and the bible and it’s message in our hearts.


1 John 2:15-17

John speaks of ‘the world’ as anything that opposes God. Do we want or even crave things that  distract us from our relationship with God?

Assurance of Faith

We can know the forgiveness of sin and knowing God. We can know Christ who is eternal. We have won the battle and are victorious. This is all the foundation of our faith.