Tag Archive for: Speaker: Jacqueline Primrose

What a friend we have in Jesus

Luke 7:18-35

A friend to others is being a friend of Jesus.
Do I know that Jesus is my friend?
Who are my ‘thems’?
How am I helping others find Jesus as a friend?


Transcript of Jacqueline’s sermon

Emily’s story

Heather’s story


Travels and Baptism

The Vine Trust Mission team and Martina’s testimony (starts at 32 minutes in) and baptism.

The song that Martina refers to is here.

Walking on Water

Matthew 14:22-33

Do the best you can but rely on God to do even more than you could have done on your own.
What are we doing where there is a space for God to work in?

This song was mentioned at the end of the sermon.


The End Times

1 John 2:18-27

We are living in the End Times. Are we ready for Christ’s return? Until then we can have the Holy Spirit poured out on us and the bible and it’s message in our hearts.